For most of history women have been surrounded by other women during birth. It wasn’t until the introduction of medicalized birth that the role of the doula was removed from the process. Since the reintroduction of doulas in birth, studies have shown the undeniable benefits to both women and babies. A doula is a non medical member of the birth team. She is there for the emotional well being of the mother, baby and partner. She has a great appreciation for birth and trusts the natural process of it. A doula understands that every birth is an opportunity to strengthen the connection between a family. Birth isn’t just another day in your life, it’s the beginning of an incredible bond, an experience that you will remember forever. A doula has the desire and experience to make that memory the very best it can be.
So… what can a doula do for you?
She can provide you with real information about birth, stuff you won’t find in movies
A doula has a passion for bringing normalcy back to birth, trusting and knowing the process is just one of the skills she brings to the table. A lot of people have the wrong idea of what normal birth really is, which can lead to many unnecessary interventions that can cause emotional and physical damage to mother and baby. To understand what normal is can really only be done through relearning the birth process. What you choose to teach yourself is up to you. A doula will have a great selection of resources to help you in this process if you wish to learn.
She can advocate for your wishes
A doula is not there to be your voice, but she can and will advocate for your wishes. Birth can be downright confusing and if you’re having a hospital birth, there may be a lot going on around you. You may be deeply focused on coping and riding through the pain, so it can be easy to miss things that are being said and done around you. A birth plan is a great start, but often times they aren’t even looked at by the care providers. As a confident, educated and supportive member of your birth team, a doula will do her very best to make sure your voice is heard.
She can help you cope with the pains of labour
Every doula does this part a little differently than the rest. She likely has a few tricks of her own that she uses to ease pain and help mama cope. Whatever her methods are, she will connect with you and use that connection to gauge what will help you get through the discomfort. All doulas are not the same, which is why it is such a great idea to interview a few doulas before picking the one that will accompany you on this important journey.
Her presence may even shorten your labour
Fear during labour can slow or even stop the natural progression of labour. With new sensations and overwhelming emotions it is easy to be fearful that what you’re experiencing is not normal. A woman needs to feel safe to open her mind and body to the experience of birth. With so many people to care for at once, medical professionals in the hospital environment can’t possibly focus on these emotional needs. Hiring the right doula ensures that you and your partner have consistent and continuous emotional support. Doulas don’t take breaks or work shifts and they fill the gap in the medical system that leaves out a very important component of birth: emotional support. Many studies have confirmed that the presence of a doula has a great effect on the speed at which your labour progresses because of the addition of this very important personal care.
She will make your partner look really, really good
Birth can be a great way to strengthen a connection between you and your partner, but it can also be confusing and stressful for them. We all know how hard it is to watch someone you love or care about be in pain and not be able to take that pain away. A doula can help guide your partner to successfully meet your need for connection and thus help you cope with the pain. At the end of the day the goal isn’t to have you look back and think, man I couldn’t have done this without my doula…it’s much more important for you to feel connected with your partner at this time. The doula can help facilitate this.
She will be there to support you postpartum
She isn’t going to take off the minute your baby is born. She will stay 1-2 hours after birth to help you & baby settle, get a handle on feeding and answer any questions you might have. Most Doulas also offer at least 1 postpartum visit, usually a few days after the birth. The beginning of life can be more challenging than you ever imagined, from learning to breastfeed to feeling comfortable with caring for a newborn. A good doula will help ease your transition into parenthood.
Choosing the right doula is just as important as choosing the right care provider. Interview a few people to get a feel for their personality and ask yourself if you trust or even like them. Just because your friends may have recommended the doula who attended at their child’s birth doesn’t necessarily mean that she is the right person for you. For more information, or to set up a meeting and find out if I might be the right doula for you, please contact me!
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