This little guy was born strong. Although he had a rough start, he has come so far in just the four short days since he made his way earth side. His surgery to close the hole in his abdomen went perfectly, and they were able to get everything repaired in just one shot! Since then he has had his breathing tube removed, and is doing so well without it. If it weren’t for the IV, you would never know this little guy had any struggles to overcome. Mom & Dad were even given the go-ahead to hold their baby after just three days. Imagine how hard it would be to look at your newborn but not be able to touch them? These two people are so strong, and have remained positive throughout this whole process- I don’t know if I could have been so courageous. I have so much love & admiration for them and I am so grateful to be a part of their story. I went back yesterday to document the first skin to skin contact with mom, and what a special moment it was. This little guy snuggled right in, drifting off to the familiar sound of his mom’s heartbeat. He fit right in, like that spot was made for him.
I will be waiting patiently for the day that Blake is released from the hospital and with his amazing progress so far, it might be sooner than they thought. Keep sending your positive thoughts their way so can get home in time to spend Christmas with big sister Natalie!